Empowering pregnancy & births in Abu Dhabi

Personalized Doula Care for Expectant Mothers Seeking a Positive Birth Experience in Abu Dhabi

Consultations & Doula Services


Introducing WOKE Births

W.O.K.E stands for Women Obtaining Knowledge and Empowerment. As an experienced Abu Dhabi Doula, I firmly believe that being educated about our bodies and choices is incredibly empowering. With this empowerment, navigating decisions becomes more manageable. My goal as a Doula based in Abu Dhabi is to provide comprehensive support to women and families in this region by sharing my expertise and encouraging them to seek knowledge independently across all stages of pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, parenting, and beyond.

Why choose WOKE Births?

Woke Births  provides  emotional support, guidance, and education during pregnancy that is tailored to each individuals needs: such as helping mothers create birth plans, childbirth education,  providing relaxation techniques, answering questions about the birthing process, planning for your postpartum period, and so much more.

Woke Births personalized consultations can help ensure that your unique needs and concerns are being addressed. Whether it’s related to pregnancy or any other health challenge, we can provide guidance and support tailored to your individual situation, including access to resources in the community.

Woke Births provides customizable care that accommodates the needs of our clients,  in order  to give you the best care in a time and manner that suits you personally. This can include meeting at a convenient location, scheduling appointments outside of regular business hours, and being available for emergencies.

Woke Births can help you prepare your birth plan by offering advice and assistance. Planning and preparedness are essential for a successful birth experience. Setting SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bound) can help you achieve your desired outcome. Additionally, attending childbirth education classes with your doula can provide you with the necessary mental and physical preparation for labor and delivery.

As a postpartum doula, I understand the importance of rest and nourishment during the postpartum period. By hiring a doula, you can prioritize self-care and reduce the risks of postpartum anxiety and depression. Our support goes beyond practical assistance with newborn care and household chores. We provide emotional support, education, and guidance, creating a non-judgmental space for you to openly discuss your concerns. With a doula by your side, you can confidently navigate your journey, build a strong support network, and empower yourself as a new parent. Don’t be afraid to ask for help and plan for your postpartum experience just as you would for your birth.

My Services


Childbirth Education Classes

Comprehensive Childbirth Education Classes with AMANI Birth help prepare you for pregnancy, childbirth, and beyond.


Birth Only Doula Package

This package is for moms that have already given birth at least once and have taken formal childbirth education classes


Deluxe Doula Package

An inclusive service package full of the guidance, care, tools and support you need to set you up for your pregnancy & birth experience


Post Partum Support

This package offers doula support visits after you have delivered and are home with baby. Each session is customized to your needs


1-On-1 Support Counseling

Sometimes you just need to run an idea or thought by someone who is able to see the situation objectively. Maybe you want to discuss options that have been given to you or hear what some alternatives are.


Birth Listening

Our services provide a comforting space for you to share your birth experience and be heard. During a session, we listen attentively, offering support and understanding.

A Message to Expecting Moms!

Congratulations on your pregnancy!!! As you prepare for the incredible journey of motherhood in Abu Dhabi, I encourage you to do your research and ask questions. Take the time to gather information and educate yourself about the various aspects of pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum. It’s crucial to build a supportive team around you, including healthcare providers, Abu Dhabi doulas, and loved ones who will provide the care and support you need during this precious time. Remember, knowledge is power, and by being proactive and informed, you can embark on your motherhood journey in Abu Dhabi with confidence and peace of mind.

About Me

Get to know Me!

My name is UmmRashid Chaiya Brown, and I’m a registered nurse, Abu Dhabi childbirth educator/doula, blessed wife, and mother to 20 amazing children. I have been providing support to mothers since 2003. My personal experience as well as love for all things pregnancy and childbirth related has led me to this profession. I am aspiring to become a midwife to further my skillset in the near future, continuing to serve mothers and families in Abu Dhabi with care and expertise.


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Umm Idrīs

My first pregnancy ended with an emergency c-section. I knew I needed support to help me work through my fears and attempt a vbac so a doula was always in the cards for me. Chaiya was so instrumental to my positive experience. During my pregnancy she was Constantly checking in and preparing me for the big day, making sure I’m mentally and physically prepared to take on the task that she felt positive that I could do. I needed that confidence after my first experience. When labour started, she was like an extension of me. She knew what I needed, when I needed it. She took care of everything so I could just focus on labouring. She even helped me breathe, counting me in and making sure I’m relaxed and not tensing up. This cleared up so much mind space for me to just focus on the task at hand. My surroundings were so peaceful, I don’t remember anyone bothering me or checking me as chaiya just dealt with everything and never left my side. She was such a pillar of strength for me, it helped me carry on even when I wanted to give up. If it was up to me I would have been drugged and strapped up the minute I entered the hospital lol. She knew I was capable of more than I thought I was and helped me manage my pain for as long as possible before I opted for pain relief. When the doc told us she doesn’t think my labour will progress, Chaiya still tried everything to help my body get there. At this point, I was physically and mentally exhausted but Chaiya was physically moving my body trying to get things moving for me. In the end my vbac wasn’t successful but I feel my labour definitely was. I had such a positive experience where I felt in control of my decisions, I felt so supported and overall despite the final outcome I felt capable of birthing my baby. May Allah reward Chaiya and all doulas for their crucial, amazing work! Ameen

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Chaiya, was my Doula through half to end of my pregnancy. Since our first meeting to meet each other she was very kind and supportive. Even though we planning to do natural delivery all the time, god had other plans and I ended up doing a cesarean, but she was full supportive beyond what I could ask. Being an expat has already many challenges, same as being a mom far from our family and Friends, so having her by my side all the time while in hospital and in the first few days was a life safer and a game changer. I couldn't be more grateful for all she did for us and still do through WhatsApp support all the time! I highly recommend her Doula service!

Sabirah H.

Ummrashid has always been an open ear and phone call or whatsapp away from any medical questions or help I have had for the entire family. We also have children born in the same month and year :). November 2016, I was waiting to go into labor and deliver in Sharjah Zahra hospital. To my surprise I had a super fast labor right before sunrise and the baby was starting to come at home in my bedroom! I asked my daughter to call Ummrashid to help me. She made me feel safe and calm letting me know after she heard the baby cry he was ok and then directed me what to do next before the ambulance arrived. She is a special part of my labor and birth story even tho she was a city away and a special aunty to my now 6 year old son. She advised my only and oldest daughter to help me and talk to her on the phone as well. What to do with the baby, where I should lay and to go ahead and put the baby to breast. I am so thankful that she was there and didn't mind me ringing her phone while she was probably asleep in bed before sunrise that day!


Although I have never been pregnant, Umm Rashid's assistance helped me to support my mum during her most recent delivery. I was the only one to wake up and see my mother's sudden, rapid labor in the early hours of the morning when she was at home. I contacted Umm Rashid in hopes that she would pick up since I had to take action immediately and I knew she had the abilities and knowledge to assist. Fortunately, she answered and gave me firm yet gentle instructions on what to do. My mother also found comfort and reassurance from Umm Rashid over speakerphone, who put her at ease and gave her the confidence that she could take care of herself and her newborn. I highly recommend her services, even for someone to just be a helper or an extra pair of hands during labor.

Z. Umm Laith/Omar

I was 6 months pregnant with my twins when I met Umm Rashid - she’s such a positive person. I loved her right away. She guided me through the whole pregnancy. I had my hospital bag, nursery room, babies bathroom and everything else ready because of her. It was so easy. But the most important part was the hormonal rollercoaster I was going through. Her positivity and guidance put a smile on my face.

Asiya Saddiq

My experience with Chaiya was amazing When think back to that day it was a blessing from Allah that she was able to be with me from the admission time to overnight. had a C-section which was unexpected and thankfully she was there advocating for me She argued for them to let her in the delivery room which was a blessing because they did not seem to know what to do and she was able to tell them different things they should be doing and how to do them, I'm thankful because don't know what would have happened had she not been there to advise and supervise She was calming in the Mist of my storm and I'm forever thankful to her for her encouragement and patience.

Umm Julaybeeb

I feel so honored to have experienced the labor and birth of our daughter with you. I couldn't have asked for a more gentle, knowledgeable, and supportive doula by my side. Thank you for being a valuable part of my birthing process. This was definitely one of my most memorable birthing experiences and you did everything possible to make it a positive one.

Umm Unays

Umm Rashid provided invaluable support throughout my journey to becoming a mother. From the moment I discovered I was pregnant with my first child, she guided my husband and I through the process. She helped us choose the right hospital and doctor in the UAE, and ensured I followed my gestational diabetes diet. After giving birth, she continued to assist with lactation support and newborn care, making my transition into motherhood easier and more pleasant. Having her by my side gave me reassurance and the comfort of not being alone. I am so grateful for her presence and support during that special time. Whether it's your first or tenth child, I highly recommend having Umm Rashid as a doula. Her dedication and going above and beyond truly sets her apart, Allahuma baarik.

Umm Adam

I’ve used Umm Rashid’s health consultation services multiple times with great satisfaction. Let’s face it, doctor visit times are limited, and they are rushing to see the next patient. Having another specialist to listen to your health concerns is an invaluable resource; especially, when your concerns are about what your doctor said or instructed you to do. Many times, doctors do not have time to go into details, which I like to know. Umm Rashid takes the time to explain why a doctor did or said something, which adds to my knowledge base. She listens intently to understand my concerns and asks questions some doctors might miss that could alter a diagnosis. With these questions, I schedule another doctor visit or phone call, which makes our conversation more meaningful and usually a more accurate diagnosis. I highly recommend her health consultations; they have saved me from toxicity, incorrect medicine and more!

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